The first step in this process is joining a Life Group. For more information about Life Groups click here. In addition to Life Groups we also have many opportunities for you to become involved:
The Women’s Network ministers by reaching out and connecting with the women of our church and community to support each other in friendship, spiritual growth, and prayer. It is our desire that every woman at Grace Point will find a place to belong, grow and serve.
Find out MoreThey enjoy traveling, building community and serving those around them. Regular church activities which our seniors enjoy are the Sunday church service, ABF Classes and also the 6:00 PM Sunday Evening Service.
Get ConnectedWe provide age appropriate classrooms, manned by trained volunteers, that are intentionally driven to aide your kids in meeting Jesus, knowing Jesus, and loving like Jesus. For kid's birth-5th grade GPFKids is the place to be!
Visiting? No need to worry simply arrive at the check-in station in the Kid's Ministry building and one of our volunteers will guide you to your classroom.
Our desire is to see students connected in community through our small group program, experience life change through a relationship with Jesus Christ, and learn to serve Him through serving others. Join us on Wednesdays at 6:00pm in the Student Ministries building.
More InformationBecome a light in a student's world. Give of your time to our youth.
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Going on a short term mission, to a camp or somewhere else? Please fill out this form
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